Press releasesPress reports

16.10.2005 - Minister of the Environment presents a certificate of recognition to the new Foundation

On the occasion of the celebration of the 125-year jubilee of the Rheinischer Fischereiverband [Rhine Fisheries Association] on 16.10.05, at the Beethovenhalle in Bonn, Minister of the Environment Eckhard Uhlenberg presented a certificate in recognition of the setting up of the Wasserlauf Foundation to the Chairman of the Management Board of the RhFV, Walter Sollbach. The Foundation has grown out of the NRW Migratory Fish Scheme, and is designed to ensure the future of waterway conservation and natural fish populations in NRW. Any interested citizens are warmly invited to help the Foundation to become established, and to maintain our bodies of water as a place where Nature can be experienced.

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