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  Under the auspices of natural water development, numerous projects have been carried out in recent years for the partial unblocking of waterways and the re-establishment of natural water dynamics. By way of example, we may cite here three projects that have been implemented on NRW waters frequented by migratory fish.

On the Lower River Dhünn (a tributary of the River Wupper) in Leverkusen, over a stretch of around 3 kilometres the embankments were removed and the flow of water redynamized. As a result shifting gravel beds, naturally eroding riverbanks and a wide variety of water habitats have been brought into being. This collaborative project was carried out by the town of Leverkusen, the Wupperverband [Wupper Association] and the regional government of Cologne in conjunction.
On the River Sülz (a tributary of the River Agger), the Aggerverband [Agger Association] has directed a far-reaching renaturing project on the stretch downstream from Rösrath. The natural habitat so created features islands, branching waterways and wide gravel formations, with enormous benefits to the water environment.

With the reconnection of an abandoned meander of the River Eifelrur near Körrenzig, the Wasserverband Eifelrur [Eifelrur Water Association] has carried out a successful project for the revitalisation of the neighbouring meadows and extension of the water habitat. The areas of open water and varied structural features that have been created offer many fish species a new environment in which to thrive.


Renaturing of the Sülz near Rösrath

Renaturing of the Dhünn near Leverkusen

Renaturing of the River Eifelrur near Körrenzig

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 Copyright 2005, WASSERLAUF - Stiftung für Gewässerschutz & Wanderfische NRW  |  Alleestraße 1, 53757 Sankt Augustin
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