Healthy rivers are absolutely essential if Nature is to be maintained intact in North Rhine Westphalia. This is because as the quality of water deteriorates, so you get less life in the river. A flourishing and varied fish population, on the other hand, is the best proof that Nature is intact, and can actually be seen as an indicator that the water is healthy – and so also denoting an environment that offers high quality of life to human beings! For last but not least, our rivers – as an important source of drinking water and water for recreation – are also vital arteries for the well-being of the people of North Rhine Westphalia.
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Copyright 2005, WASSERLAUF - Stiftung für Gewässerschutz & Wanderfische NRW | Alleestraße 1, 53757 Sankt Augustin
Fon 0 22 41 - 14 73 5 - 20 | Fax 0 22 41 - 14 73 5 - 19 | Email:
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